Ukrainian single Viktoria from Kherson, Ukraine personal profile

Confirmed Profile

Viktoria's Interview

My favorite music:
I love music. Depending on my mood I listen to different types of music. I like good music. It is hard to imagine our lives without music
My favorite movie:
Sometimes I like comedies, sometimes serious movies.
My favorite sport:
I think fitness is one of my favorite ones. Swimming is my passions too. I enjoy water. Moving brings joy to our life.
My favorite flower:
My favorite season:
Summer is my favorite season but I am sure every season has it's own charm.
My favorite color:
My favorite fruit:
I love all fruits but apples are my favorite.
My favorite holiday:
Most of all I like...
Most of all I dislike...
I would like to go to...
I want to see many places, learn about different cultures, traditions.
I dream about...
What animal do I associate myself with?
In childhood I dreamed of becoming...
An actress
My friends and relatives call me...
The most unforgettable present I ever got:
The best place I've already been to...
What I would like to change in myself?
Are you an early riser or a night owl?
I like to sleep longer in the morning, but I am very productive in the evening...I am a night owl for sure.
Confirmed Profile
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