Latin single Clara from Bogotá, Colombia personal profile

Confirmed Profile
Latin bride Clara from Bogotá
Lady's ID 54235
Age 25 Birthday 20 May 1999
Zodiac sign Taurus
Height 5' 4'' (1.63m)
Weight 125 Lbs (57 kg)
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Brown
Smoke Seldom
Drink Socially
Occupation Cosmetology
Education Some college
Marital Status Single
Level of English* basic
Religion Christian
Children No
Plans Children Yes
Residence Bogotá, Colombia
* the level of English is estimated by the lady
Single girl Clara 25 years old


Self-care and health are a priority for many young women, whether through exercise, healthy eating, meditation or finding ways to reduce stress.


At my age, my life is at an exciting crossroads. I am a woman passionate about my career, always looking for new opportunities to grow professionally and achieve my goals. I enjoy exploring the world through trips that broaden my horizons and fill me with stories to tell. I like to take care of my well-being, finding balance in yoga and meditation, as well as enjoying long walks outdoors. I am an avid reader, I am fascinated by immersing myself in fictional worlds that awaken my imagination. In my relationships, I deeply value honesty and genuine connection, finding in my friends and loved ones invaluable support on my path.

Clara is searching for:

I am looking for a partner who will be my adventure companion and my confidant. I would value someone with whom I can have deep and meaningful conversations, someone who shares my values ​​of respect, empathy and honesty. It is important to me that my partner has his own goals and ambitions, but also that he is willing to support me in my own dreams and objectives. Mutual trust and the ability to laugh together are essential, respect for personal space and autonomy. I am attracted to people who are authentic, loving, and willing to grow and evolve with me in this exciting stage of life.

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Confirmed Profile
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