Lady of the week

Anastasia, 28
ID: 41410

Hi! How are you?

My name is Anastasia and I am a nurse by profession but my favorite hobby is modeling because fashion is my passion. Passion keeps you moving. It keeps you standing firm. It keeps you on your toes. Modeling as a hobby allows me the freedom to choose the path I prefer as I can keep it as flexible as I like. Modeling is diverse and lets me channel the style I prefer. My style is very simple - I love to be comfortable. I love to practice model poses in front of the camera always striving to improve and look better.

What I love most about modeling is the sense of freedom and happiness. The fact that I can be myself in front of the camera, without any limitations, keeps me coming back again and again. I have the opportunity to immerse myself in an exciting environment where I meet new people and make some extra cash on the side.

Will I choose it as my profession? I’m not sure, but I’m enjoying it right now and don’t want to stop yet.

Valeria, 27
ID: 53125

Hi ev­ery­one!

Light movements, playful looks and sophisticated poses emphasize my femininity and confidence in your eyes. I love experimenting with different looks and styles, and I hope you'll want to see how my creative nature unfolds. This could be a great start to begin and continue our journey together. Give me a chance, and we will both discover what true love, feelings, and passion are.


Oksana, 33
ID: 47531


I have a unique ability to find the good in any situation. I am open and honest, and I believe that sincerity in any relationship is vital.

I like to look bright and feminine, and I love to wear dresses and high heels. I’m very interested in cosmetics and styling, trying out a lot of different products. I enjoy doing beautiful makeup. I believe looking beautiful is the wish of every woman. I’m no exception)

I’m also fond of sports and regularly go to the gym.


Anastasia, 28
ID: 53355

Hi! My name is Anas­ta­sia.

I love vis­it­ing ex­ot­ic places, es­pe­cial­ly those with few peo­ple. Can you imagine if we went there to­gether?

That would be just won­der­ful! Ex­plor­ing unique places away from the hus­tle and bus­tle, en­joy­ing the beau­ty of na­ture and mo­ments of tran­quil­i­ty to­gether - what could be bet­ter? I’m sure it would be an un­for­gettable ex­pe­ri­ence we’d re­mem­ber for the rest of our lives.

Let's em­bark on this exc­it­ing jour­ney to­gether in the near fu­ture! I have a lot of se­cret places in mind - how about you?

Maria Camila, 30
ID: 53506

Hi there!

Sum­mer is defi­nite­ly my fa­vorite time of year. There’s noth­ing quite like jump­ing in­to a re­fresh­ing pool or loung­ing on the beach, soak­ing up the sun and gett­ing that per­fect tan. Ev­ery time I slip in­to my swim­suit, I feel so proud - it’s nice to see that the gym trips were worth it! The warmth of the sun lifts my spir­its and gives me so much en­er­gy.

Now that it’s au­tumn, I can ap­pre­ci­ate the cozy sweaters and the beau­ti­ful leaves, but I al­ways miss sum­mer. I find my­self wish­ing for those long, sun­ny days, and it’s tough to say good­bye when the sea­son wraps up. I can’t help but start count­ing the days un­til it’s back!

Maria Cami­la

Larisa, 54
ID: 53185

Hel­­lo! How are you?

Many peo­ple think that drink­ing tea is just an or­d­i­nary part of life, noth­ing spe­cial about it. But for me it’s a whole ri­t­u­al that fills my day with cozi­ness and warmth. When I drink tea I try to make that mo­ment spe­cial. I love choos­ing a beau­ti­ful cup so that ev­ery sip brings plea­sure. I pick my tea based on my mood and the feel­ings I want to ex­pe­ri­ence at that mo­ment. Some­times I even play soft mu­sic to cre­ate an at­mo­sphere of com­plete re­lax­a­tion and com­fort. For me this isn’t just drink­ing tea, it’s a true ri­t­u­al of rest and en­joy­ment.


Marina, 33
ID: 40994

Greet­ing from Ukraine!

I want to tell you a lit­tle about my­self. I defi­nite­ly have a cheer­ful and friend­ly per­so­n­al­i­ty. I en­joy move­ment and phys­i­cal ex­er­cise, usu­al­ly hav­ing six train­ing ses­sions a week. Many good things have hap­pened as a re­sult of pur­su­ing my hob­bies. I know how to “emp­ty” my mind af­ter a long day of stress­ful work and find peace by go­ing to the gym.

How do you like to re­lax af­ter a hard day?


Daria, 36
ID: 53526


An­gel or de­mon? Who do you see in this video?

I may have an­gel­ic beau­ty and ten­der­ness, but there’s some­thing mys­te­ri­ous and dark in my eyes… per­haps a chilling de­mon that sneaks up on you, si­lent­ly, on tip­toe.

My smile is sweet and can drive you crazy, but does it cast doubt on the sin­cer­i­ty of my in­ten­tions?

Each time you im­merse your­self in the whirl­wind of my con­tra­dic­to­ry qual­i­ties, you’ll dis­cov­er some­thing new and un­ex­plored.

An­gel or de­mon? Ev­ery­one must de­cide for them­selves… but one thing is cer­tain: you won’t re­main in­d­if­fer­ent!


Christine, 36
ID: 53076

Hi! How are you?

Trav­el))) A sim­ple word but it evokes so many emo­tions. Since child­hood, I've been wait­ing for the mo­ment when I could en­joy trav­el­ing and learn­ing about new cul­tures and peo­ple. For me, this is a great plea­sure. In re­cent years I've dis­cov­ered many un­for­gettable places and there are so many more left on my list. But I don't want to do it alone. You know what I'd re­al­ly like?)))


Julia, 32
ID: 46966

Hi ev­ery­one!

My name is Ju­lia, and I am from Ukraine. I am very open and have noth­ing to hide. I al­ways tell the truth. I con­sid­er my­self a per­son who tru­ly knows what she wants. I have my own pri­or­i­ties. I have ex­pe­ri­ence com­mu­ni­cat­ing with dif­fer­ent peo­ple, and now I am ready to re­al­ize my­self as a good and lov­ing part­n­er.

Yes, I am still sin­gle and dream of meet­ing my destiny here. I en­joy my life and want to achieve all my goals. I have a lot of in­ter­ests and hob­bies, and I am a very ac­tive per­son. For ex­am­ple, I love to walk.

I think walk­ing is a great way to con­nect with na­ture. Walk­ing along a path in the park al­ways helps me clear my mind. I be­lieve it is good for my men­tal health. Ear­ly morn­ing walks among the lush green­ery, with a cool breeze, are the best start to my day. I feel so full of en­er­gy and youth when I walk.

Would you like to go for a walk with me?

Angelly Yulieth, 44
ID: 53577


My soul is striv­ing for new things and dis­cov­er­ing the world. When I trav­el, it brings me hap­pi­ness. I love to ex­pe­ri­ence dif­fer­ent coun­tries and their cul­tures. I adore wan­der­ing through the nar­row streets of Ita­ly’s an­cient corn­ers and walk­ing along the de­sert­ed beach­es of the Mediter­ranean Sea.

Af­ter trav­el­ing, my heart is on a dif­fer­ent vi­bra­tion, filled with love, and I am ready to share that love with the whole world!

Trav­el is my heart, my har­mony, my love!

Tina, 54
ID: 50527

Hel­lo! How are you?

For as long as I can re­mem­ber, I have al­ways been very in­ter­est­ed in pho­tog­ra­phy. Ap­par­ent­ly, this hob­by has at­tract­ed me since child­hood. When I was a lit­tle girl, I of­ten watched how beau­ti­ful girls posed for pho­to­g­ra­phers and how they end­ed up with beau­ti­ful pho­tos!

For me, the whole pro­cess of pro­duc­ing pho­to­graph­ic im­ages was a mys­tery I couldn’t pen­e­trate. But I even­tu­al­ly ma­n­aged to do it, and I pur­sued my fa­vorite thing in life. Even now, at 53 years old, I love to pose for the cam­era, and I tru­ly en­joy it! This is my fa­vorite hob­by! I love pos­ing for the cam­era and then en­joy­ing my pho­tos!


Tamara, 32
ID: 50922

Hi! My name is Ta­mara.

I hope you will like my pro­file and my pho­tos. I am here to find the one with whom I can share my life and pos­i­tive vibes. I am a cre­a­tive and artis­tic per­son. I try to live life to the fullest. I love to trav­el; my biggest love is the ocean. I love the rolling waves and spend­ing time on the beach, dream­ing about a lov­ing man who will join me next time. Where do you like to spend your va­ca­tions?

I love tak­ing care of my­self. I like to smile and feel re­laxed and com­fort­able. I like to bring a pos­i­tive mood; I promise it will not be bor­ing with me! It is im­por­tant for me to feel like a re­al wo­m­an. I love sports, es­pe­cial­ly run­n­ing. Run­n­ing is not on­ly a use­ful car­dio ex­er­cise but al­so an amaz­ing way to re­lax and wind down. At the same time, I think the best way to re­lax is to spend time in lov­ing arms.

Maria, 30
ID: 37635


My name is Maria and I am a very happy person. I really want to start a family with the person I love. You will find me modest, open-minded and full of surprises... very pleasant surprises! I am ready to understand and accept much. I love people, animals, nature and traveling. I am a very active and outgoing girl. I like anything about everything.

Summer is my favorite season. Summer is wonderful! There are so many things to do. You can travel, go fishing, walk in the forest, swim and sunbathe. Summers give us the time to indulge in various activities. My newest hobby is rollerblading. I love everything about this kind of sport. Rollerblading is a fantastic way to burn calories, get fit and stay in a good mood. Also, it is a great way to spend time with your friends. Rollerblading raises your heart rate and uses all your muscles. Do you love summer? I hope you do)

Anastasia, 25
ID: 45791

Hi! My name is Anastasia.

Let me tell you a little about myself. I am polite and well-mannered. I'm not a big fan of noisy parties but I love to spend time with my friends. I am picky about the people who surround me. Emotional connection is very important to me. I am sympathetic and open but I will never let people take advantage of my kindness. I think I have a strong character.

There are a lot of things I like to do. Sport is an important part of my life as well as are singing, listening to music and photography. My passion is dancing. Now it is not just a hobby but also a source of inspiration. Also, I like to read very much. The world of literature is fascinating. I prefer classical and informative literature. I think the best present is an interesting book.

I enjoy reading not only books but also newspapers and online content. I get so much satisfaction and feel good when I read something interesting and positive. Reading in English helps me improve my knowledge of the language.

Veronika, 30
ID: 50557

Hi! How are you?

As a child I often heard that many people express themselves but I couldn’t even understand how it was... until the moment I started dancing. Perhaps the main reason why I love dancing is self-expression. Dancing brings a special meaning to my life and allows me to relax after a hard day. For me this is the best medicine for a bad mood. I am sure that by dancing I can say a lot and I am ready to show it. I hope that you are ready for such communication!


Nika, 29
ID: 52841

Hello. I'm Nika and I'm an Amazon... Have you met anyone like this?

I am a symbol of strength, beauty, and tenderness in one form.

All animals submit to me. Will you submit to me?

I know the secrets of nature and can see the deepest secrets that every creature hides. Aren't you afraid that I will look into your soul? If you're ready to open your soul and submit to my magic, then I can conquer your heart, and the bonds of our connection will be indestructible. But remember, my strength is unpredictable and requires maximum devotion. Are you ready for this challenge?

Feruza, 30
ID: 54345

Hello! My name is Feruza.

Today I want to show you my favorite place, the place where I gain strength. I like to come to this pond very often. I would like to show it to you; you won’t believe how quiet and beautiful it is. I'm sure you'll definitely like it there. We can enjoy this together, is that okay?

When it’s cool, I take a blanket with me, but the hug of a loved one would warm me better than anything else. Will you be my warmth forever? And I will wrap you in my comfort and love every day.

Daria, 28
ID: 50802


I’m Daria and I am an ordinary Ukrainian girl, who has a lot of dreams and plans for the future. I think I have a good sense of humor. I am friendly and know how to keep up a conversation on any topic. I am very considerate and I know how to support and take care of my partner. I am purposeful, I have a few hobbies that bring me not only pleasure, but income.

My Walkman is my companion. Lonely days seem shorter when I can listen to and sing some romantic songs. I like the way people express their feelings through music. My friends say that I have a beautiful voice. There's an increasing amount of evidence that singing releases endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. Those 'happy' chemicals boost my mood and make me feel good about myself.

I do not only like to sing about love, I like to be in love. Sometimes I sing in the local club. Do you have a favorite playlist? Who is your favorite singer?

I found joy in sport. To be in good shape, I jog every morning. It’s a great way to stay fit and make use of some extra time I have. I think that jogging is a good way to spend extra energy too. Why do I go in for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a person to be healthy and well-built.

Well, I hope you liked reading about my hobbies and interests. Now I would like to hear about yours!

Anna, 39
ID: 51610

Hi! How are you?

One of my passions, or rather, my love, is my job. This is singing. I am a singer, and I live it. I think that every person should love what they do! For me, it started in childhood. I remember my first steps on stage, my music school. Already at that time, I was thinking that I would become popular and the whole world would know about me! This, of course, has not happened yet. I'm still striving for it, but I know that I'm on the right track! I do a lot for this, and I know that soon I will be rewarded for it!


Dajen, 31
ID: 54530

Hi ev­ery­one!

My name is Dajen.

Why did I choose that video? The answer is very simple and will be contained in two parts.

First, I believe that the most important thing is naturalness. And what is naturalness? It is sincerity, it is purity. I don't like makeup; I like my natural beauty. Of course, you can embellish yourself a little, but I don’t think you need to overdo it. The same goes for people's attitudes. The main thing is to be sincere and I appreciate that.

And second: my love for animals. I believe that people who love animals are very kind. Do you agree?

If you agree with my message, then do not hesitate and write to me about it. Maybe you are my soulmate!

Yana, 31
ID: 47002


My name is Yana and I am trying to find my love here. Wish me luck)

It is great to have an opportunity to meet interesting people from all over the world. Let me tell you more about myself, my interests, and likes. My biggest passion is being active. Today, as always, traveling is on-trend because it is interesting and intriguing. I prefer to travel by myself, but I dream of doing this together with my future partner. Visiting new places makes me feel better. For me, traveling as a hobby is almost like finding a new person inside me. I feel alive and happy.
 I think traveling is an enjoyable activity, and whenever you feel bored with your daily routines, you should spend some time planning your next trip. What countries do you dream of visiting?

Silvia Natalia, 30
ID: 53887

Hi! How are you?

In my free time between workouts and work, I love spending time with my cat. He's my loyal companion, always there for me. I have a deep love for animals and often lend a hand to help them. After all, who else but us, humans, can look after our furry friends? It brings me immense joy and fulfillment to care for them.


Paula Julia, 32
ID: 51188

Hi guys!

As far as I can remember, since childhood I have loved photography and posing for the camera! My mother was my main and favorite photographer. Over the years, my hobby grew into something more and became my favorite job.

You shouldn’t think that photography is very easy; in fact, it is a great art to learn to feel the camera lens. But in these moments I feel light and forget about everything. Perhaps this was my calling?)


Anna, 34
ID: 37536


I’m Anna and I’m open and ambitious. I will not be broken by obstacles on the way to set my goals.

I have a lot of plans and interests. I want to share some of them with my partner.

For example, I love to play board games. I have so many games in my own collection. I often invite my friends for playing something interesting to my place. Do you have a favorite game?

Flavia, 26
ID: 53421

Hi ev­ery­one!

The most important thing in a relationship is not just passion and desire, but also care and confidence. It's knowing that they value you, that they won’t let you go, that they take responsibility for you, that they'll protect you from any troubles, and simply want to be there for you. Nothing can replace the value of those moments when you're hugged with care and held tightly.


Lyudmila, 23
ID: 54462

Hi Darling,

I want to say everything very briefly... But at the same time, beautifully juicy and tasty)) After all, that’s exactly who I am.

There’s so much life seething inside me... Young and energetic. And I can be yours. Why should we waste time? Just look at me, because I will become your guide to the passion of love and happiness.

Are you ready to introduce a little frankness into your life?


Alena, 28
ID: 53449

Hello! My name is Alena.

I am a real traveler by heart. There is nothing better for me than to go to unfamiliar places and discover new cultures, people and natural wonders. In my life, every journey becomes a unique adventure that leaves a mark in my heart forever.

Aleksandra, 27
ID: 40068

Hi guys! My name is Aleksandra.

My hobbies are dancing and acting. I started it when I was 6 years old. It has been my hobby for many years now. I have always been an introvert, shy at nature, and for someone like me, dance and acting are the best form of expression of the body, mind, and soul. I go to the local studio a few times a week.

I have lots of friends in our theater group.

Being able to portray someone really appeals to me and I love doing it. Acting is the art of telling a story in an exciting and engaging way.

I really enjoy performing at various concerts and festivals.

What about dancing... There is a popular belief that every woman should be able to dance. This point of view seems very correct, because I think that plasticity and grace are the main components of female attractiveness. Do you agree with me?

Christina, 39
ID: 52185

Hi! How are you?

A trip to a new world with the one you love? New feelings and emotions? This is what I am looking for and I will do my best to make it a reality. I love traveling and discovering new places, countries, and new people. We can join forces to do it together, do you want to?

Hoping for your step in my direction,


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