Snezhana from Poltava

age: 33
city: Poltava
id: 41677
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This week we happily introduce you a wonderful lady Snezhana from Poltava, Ukraine. The life of this lady is full of bright colors, wonderful impressions and interesting activities. Most of all she dreams about having a happy family. Would you love to know more? Read Snezhana’s story and enjoy viewing her attractive pictures.

Hel­lo Sweet­heart,

I am Snezha­na.

What can I call my­self? Well, first of all a wo­m­an. I am femi­nine, con­fi­dent, and know what I want. I pre­tend to be ten­der and weak some­times - I think, a re­al wo­m­an should nev­er be like a man. I like to be the cen­ter of at­ten­tion - not be­cause I am sel­f­ish, I just like to com­mu­ni­cate a lot. I have a lot of friends, who are al­ways help­ing me. So I know that re­al friend­ship ex­ists. I al­so have a heart, which is al­ways ask­ing for love. So I came here not just for that, but to find my love.

I am a very ad­ven­tur­ous per­son and I am al­ways ready to open new hori­zons. I come from a fam­i­ly with high fam­i­ly val­ues. I live in a great pic­turesque ci­ty with so many great places to see and to vis­it. I am dream­ing about hold­ing hands with my beloved on the bridge of love :) I am tru­ly ready to cre­ate a strong fam­i­ly. I am a very ro­man­tic per­son and I want to share that ro­mance with my soul­mate. I con­sid­er that I can give a hap­py life to my man as I am a very lov­ing per­son.

In child­hood I was vis­it­ing a mu­sic school and right now I am al­so in­ter­est­ed in play­ing piano and try­ing to learn to play a gui­tar. I am fond of lis­ten­ing to mu­sic and I am very good at sing­ing. I lead a very ac­tive way of life. I at­tend a sport gym three times a week. I like jog­ging in the morn­ing as it al­so keeps me fit :) I vis­it danc­ing class­es as I en­joy danc­ing so much. So my life is al­ways full of great emo­tions.

I am long­ing for a man who is able to love a wo­m­an. Some­one, who treats a wo­m­an as a princess. Some­one who has a kind heart. Some­one who will nev­er of­fend or call me bad. Some­one who is lov­ing, car­ing, and at­ten­tive. Some­one who is ro­man­tic and at the same time re­al­is­tic. Some­one who is the prince of hap­pi­ness. Some­one who will nev­er let me go and nev­er walks away. I need a man, for whom re­la­tions is not a game!


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