What is Live Chat?

Live Chat is a popular online service offered on the OneWife.com website. Using the Live Chat option, you can enjoy communicating with any lady or ladies who are currently online. It’s an absolutely private service allowing you to converse directly with either one or more ladies. Live Chat is a great opportunity for you to meet ladies and start to communicate with them immediately. The interactive nature of Live Chat will be a great help in improving your chances of a real date. Enter Live Chat to get in contact with your lady and begin to build a relationship!

All you need to do is click Chat Now link in the profile of a lady you are keen to chat with and your private online conversation will begin. You don’t need any specific software or settings on your computer. Live Chat is a facility installed within and available through the OneWife.com website.

Can I start Live Chat with a lady immediately?
Sure you can! After you sign up on OneWife.com, you can start an online conversation. To find ladies who are currently online, click the link Online Ladies in the left-hand menu and you will be forwarded to our gallery showing the ladies who are online at the moment. Make your choice among the ladies and invite someone you like to chat with you online. To invite a lady into a Live Chat, click Chat Now in her profile and a Live Chat window will open automatically!

Can I chat with a few ladies at once?
Yes, of course you can! Live Chat is absolutely confidential. If you are enjoying Live Chats with several ladies, each separate Live Chat will open in a different window. It’s a simple and an extremely comfortable option. Chatting with more than one lady at the same time will improve your chances of meeting your favorite lady in real life and building a relationship with her.

When do I get charged if I invite a lady to a Live Chat?
When you enter Live Chat, a chat window opens where you will write a message to your lady. You will begin to be charged after the lady answers your first message in the Live Chat window.

When do I get charged if a lady invites me to a Live Chat?
If a lady sends you a message first, inviting you for a Live Chat, you will be charged after you accept the lady’s invitation by clicking the button in the pop-up window in the lower right corner of the website.

What does Live Chat cost?
Live Chat is an extremely affordable service! Live Chat is charged 1 credit per minute. For instance:

  • Chatting time of 4 minutes = 4 credits
  • Chatting time of 10 minutes = 10 credits
  • Chatting time of 15 minutes = 15 credits and so on.

How do I end a Live Chat?
If you would like to end your Live Chat, just click the End Chat button in the Live Chat window or simply close the Live Chat window. Your session will end.

We are pleased to invite you to discover the entertaining world of Live Chat at OneWife.com! Don’t hesitate to give it a try! Start enjoying it today!

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