As March approaches, there is a key date for your calendar that is very important for Russian women.
March 8th is known around the world as International Women’s Day. It’s an incredibly important day for women everywhere and particularly Russian women as it’s so important that it’s actually a public holiday in Russia.
But why is this day so important, and what are Russian women likely to do to celebrate International Women’s Day?
What is International Women’s Day?
The first ever International Women’s Day was held all the way back in 1911 and has been a public holiday in Russia for many years. The day is used to celebrate the achievements of women throughout history, and in contemporary Russia, also acknowledges the role of women in daily family life, a little like Mother’s Day in other parts of the world.
The day will see influential women invited on to television, give addresses at events and figure predominantly on television. Locally, schools, businesses, and universities will hold events celebrating women, and possibly hold debates, lectures, and other educational events to celebrate Russian women.
How to celebrate March 8th with Russian women?
It’s important that you not only know when International Women’s Day is but that you also know how to recognize it and celebrate it with your Russian lady. At the very least, wish her a happy International Women’s Day, and congratulate her in your greeting.
You should make a particular effort to make her feel special, and if your relationship is close enough, not only should you buy her a gift, you should perhaps consider buying a small memento for her Mother and any other women in her immediate family.
It does not have to be a grand gesture, traditional gifts such as flowers and chocolate would be warmly received. The sentiment is as important as the gift, so make sure you’re aware of how important the day is to her and her family.
Often, the day will also be celebrated with a sit-down meal, perhaps with champagne. If you’re able to make it a romantic meal for you and your Russian lady, that would be perfect, but perhaps offer the opportunity to include her whole family so that her Mum can be involved.
It’s a very important celebration, so by showing your awareness and appreciation of it, and willingness to celebrate with all Russian women in her family, you will earn a great deal of respect.