Visiting Ukraine during winter can be a real pleasure, and if you’re heading there to see your Ukrainian bride, then you will want to have some good activities lined up.
While the winter is very cold, icy and snow-covered, it presents near endless opportunities for some great activities, both indoors and out. Winter in Ukraine can be a truly romantic and thrilling experience.
To help you get the most out of it, here are some of the winter activities in Ukraine.
Skiing with your Ukrainian bride
Ukraine’s climate means that it is perfect for perhaps the greatest winter sport of them all: skiing. There probably aren’t as many ski resorts in the country as you’d initially think, but the ones that do exist are great.
Offering some traditional Ukrainian winter lodge accommodation and some great skiing, resorts such as Slavske, Vorokhta and Pylypets present a varied and thrilling winter ski experience. It’s a great opportunity to spend some time away with your Ukrainian bride, arm-in-arm, leaning some skills on the slopes.
Take in some history
Ukraine is full of fascinating and beautiful buildings, especially in the large cities such as Kyiv. During the winter season, these cities can offer a different aesthetic, often covering in snow or standing out from the backdrop of crisp, blue, winter sky.
Cuddle up for a movie
While it’s great to spend time outdoors, Ukraine’s winter will force you to spend a good portion of your time indoors. It allows you the perfect opportunity to stay warm and cosy with your Ukrainian bride and perhaps cuddle up in front of the fire for a movie or a romantic meal in.
Go through the tunnel of love
Kyiv’s tunnel of love is famous for its stunningly romantic photos of loving couples. During the winter, in the absence of greenery and leaves, it offers a totally different experience. Perhaps not quite as picturesque, but when you’re wrapped up nice and warm, huddled together as you walk, it is still a very romantic feeling.
Cook some Ukrainian comfort food
Whichever country you find yourself in, a cold winter often makes you long for some nice warming comfort food. Why not enjoy some time cooking with your Ukrainian bride, and rustle up some traditional treats from local recipes? Great examples of Ukrainian dishes include Hutsul Kremzmyky, a warming meat dish that is served with vegetables.