Summer means temperatures go up and people need to cool off, however, enjoying a good cup of coffee with your Ukrainian wife is still a great way to relax.
While it may surprise you, the current coffee culture that has swept much of the world is owed to Ukraine, so it’s only right that you should consider supping some great coffee with your Ukrainian wife.
The first modern coffee shop was opened by a Ukrainian war hero all the way back in 1686 in the Austrian town of Vienna. Since then, like many around the world, people of Ukraine have enjoyed drinking coffee socially.
Your Ukrainian wife will love the opportunity to sit and chill out or have a good talk to you over a good cup of coffee. So, sit back, and take a look at these five coffee drinks that are worth trying with her.
Filtered coffee
Ukraine’s coffee shops serve many traditional forms of coffee, including some fantastic brews that are filtered. Blends of coffee from around the world can be found in shops around the towns and cities of Ukraine. So treat your Ukrainian wife to a nice cup of filter coffee, taken how she likes it.
Coffee Surprise
The city of Lviv has long been the epicentre of Ukraine’s love of coffee, and perhaps the first coffee drink to try is popular here as a nod back to the old days. It originates from Vienna, but it served in several coffee shops across the city, all be it with a differing name.
A strong black coffee is mixed with whipped egg whites and a healthy dose of sugar to provide a frothy and sweet coffee treat. Your Ukrainian wife is sure to love your attention to detail by plucking this classic recipe out.
There is nothing quite like the taste and aroma enjoyed from an espresso. If you have it alongside a glass of chilled water, it can be strangely refreshing even on a summer’s day. It’s a quick, simple pick-me-up to enjoy with your Ukrainian wife.
Liquor-based coffees
Throughout Ukraine, you will see a variety of liquors added to coffee for depth and flavour. They’re especially fun to enjoy after a meal or on a balmy summer evening. Try adding some brandy to your coffee, but give it some Ukrainian tradition by setting fire to the brandy prior to adding it your freshly brewed coffee.
Flaming coffee
At one of the many coffee shops of Ukraine, you can try a flaming coffee where cr?me brulee meets coffee. A thick layer of sugar is added to the top of the coffee before a barista uses a blowtorch to set fire to it. What you’re left with is a stunningly-sweet smelling brew that your Ukrainian wife is going to adore.