Your first video chat can be a daunting experience – it will feel like your communications with your new romance are more real and you are likely to spend a long time planning what to say, how to look, how to pose, your gestures and how animated you should be. Of course, it would be all too easy to suggest that you should just ‘be natural’ on your first online video chat, though that is the ideal plan. In the absence of guaranteed perfection for your first video experience, here are a few Do’s and Don’ts to help you along:
Do dress well
Make an effort with your appearance to impress the object of your affections and treat your video chat as if it were a face to face date. Make enough effort with your appearance to feel confident, yet look relaxed enough to fit the mood. A tuxedo is not appropriate, but an opened collared shirt will do the trick.
Do use props if it will help your video chat progress
Think about preparing some photographs or examples of things that you have talked about previously to show her. This will allow you the opportunity to tie your first video chat into your previous online dating chats and help her to understand and feel more at ease about what you are talking about.
Don’t have an untidy background
Be mindful that your meeting someone through online dating sites is full of ambiguity and so when you have your first video chat, your date is sure to be interested in your surroundings. It is important to be honest and so don’t try to stage a setting that isn’t true to life as this will knock your confidence and give your date unrealistic expectations.
Do prepare a list of conversation topics
You may feel nervous when you are talking through a video chat for the first time and this might mean that points of conversation are not forthcoming. Rather than let there be awkward silences, make a short list of things to talk about. You will have likely covered a lot through your online dating but consider mentioning work, family, hobbies and even that you feel excited or nervous.
Don’t be overbearing
Let your lady speak too and allow her additional time if she is speaking in English. Help her along if she struggles but give her patience and time to develop her language skills. Video chat is an excellent way for you to both practice new language attempts and this can also be great fun!
Do tell her that she looks fantastic
Use your first video chat to tell your lady that she looks beautiful. You don’t need to be excessive with the compliments but be sure to tell her that she is attractive and that you have enjoyed your conversation.
Do arrange another video chat
if you feel that the first one was a success. Suggest talking again on a different date and be sure to let your lady know that your video chat was thoroughly enjoyed.