Russian women are known to be some of the most beautiful in the world, admired by men from every corner of the globe. Thanks to online dating and video chat, meeting Russian girls has never been easier.
If you’ve fallen in love with a Russian lady, or you wish to meet Russian women, you will probably want to know what they consider the traits of a good man. Well, you’ve come to the right place.
Take pride in your appearance
Russian women love a man who takes care of himself and dresses to impress. That’s not to say you need to look like a movie star or wear designer clothes. Instead, just make sure you look after yourself when it comes to grooming; shave and shower regularly, take time to comb your hair, etc. Also, don’t wear tatty old clothes that look untidy – dress smart casual.
Be respectful and gentlemanlike to Russian women
While in some parts of the world a feminist woman can frown upon you when you hold a door open for her, for example, that is rarely the case in Russia. Instead, women recognise it as a mark of respect from a gentleman.
If you respect your Russian lady in everyday life, your relationship could go far.
Make her feel special
Aside from general manners, Russian women love a man who admires them regardless of what happens in life. That unshakable loyalty and admiration make a Russian lady feel loved and valued, so make sure she knows exactly how highly you think of her.
Be ambitious and driven
For Russian women, a man’s personality plays a much more important part than his financial state, let’s be clear on that. However, they do like men who are driven and ambitious to succeed. If you are in a strong career or have ambitions to carve out a career in a successful industry, your Russian lady will like that. It shows that a man is strong and reliable and gets what he wants.
Finally, Russian women like men whose actions speak louder than words. This can be in everyday life or when on dates with a new Russian lady. Conversation and getting to know one and other is great, but show that you’re serious about your relationship. Set up new dates, arrange to meet more often – put plans in place so that she knows you get what you want, rather than sit idly by talking a good game but never delivering.